While I Was Having fun

A reflection on my journey as a language professional.

Celebrating my 45th professional anniversary feels surreal. It’s a milestone that prompts reflection on my journey as a language teacher, translator, and interpreter. Since 1980, I’ve had the privilege to not only navigate cultural-linguistic landscapes but also to advocate for the profession, and to mentor members of the next generation of language professionals.

An International Odyssey

From bustling conference centers in the US to serene meeting halls in Peru, or university lecture centers in England, my work has taken me on an exhilarating odyssey. As a translator and interpreter, I have had the pleasure of being paid to learn (my #1 passion) while researching for assignments, and to see my work bring people together at international events and through publications by breaking linguistic barriers.

Address plaque on a door in Hull, England

The role of an interpreter at international gatherings is often akin to being an invisible diplomat. I’ve facilitated communication in high-stakes negotiations and contributed to meaningful exchanges that have impacted the future of nations or professions, such as at the World Economic Forum and WHO Pediatrics Summit. This profession has taught me the art of listening, the power of words, and the importance of cultural sensitivity.

As a translator, my goal is to help clients—government agencies, businesses, or individuals—get their message across with linguistic clarity, cultural insight, and achieve the intended outcome with their publications.

Advocacy for the Profession

My journey has also been marked by a deep-seated commitment to advocating for the profession and raising awareness of the role language professionals play in various facets of our lives.

I have had the honor of being general secretary and then president of the Brazilian Association of Translators and Interpreters, interim vice president of the National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters, editor of the NAJIT Observer, program director of the Bahamas Translators, co-founder and president of the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Florida, and the administrator of the American Translators Association Interpreters Division—roles that helped me better understand our needs.

Through those associations, I’ve engaged in dialogues that aim to elevate our profession. I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with like-minded individuals who share a vision of a future where language professionals are seen not just as service providers, but as essential contributors to language access.

Nurturing the Next Generation

Mentorship has been one of the most fulfilling aspects of my career. Each mentee has brought fresh perspectives and a renewed enthusiasm that is contagious. It’s been immensely gratifying to watch them grow and flourish. Mentorship is a two-way street; as much as I’ve shared my experiences, I’ve also learned from my mentees about new technologies, emerging trends, and the evolving landscape of our profession.

A Journey Fueled by Passion

Reflecting on these 45 years, I realize that what has kept me going is the simple joy of having fun. Every challenge, every interaction, and every achievement has been fueled by a genuine passion for language and communication.

Sunrise at the beach in Varadero, Cuba

As I look to the future, I am excited to continue exploring new opportunities, advocating for our profession, and mentoring those who will carry the torch forward. My journey is far from over, and I am eager to see where the next chapter will lead.

Hiring an Interpreter? Five Points to Consider

By Giovanna Lester

This is a quick guide written for the ATA ID and I know colleagues will have points to add to. Please feel free to do so, and share your observations in the comments below.

1- So, what language is it that you need?
It is important to be very clear when determining the language of an assignment. Portuguese has a number of variants: Cape Verdean, Angolan, Brazilian, European to cite a few. Chinese can mean Mandarin or Cantonese. And not everyone in Spain speaks only Spanish: Basque, Catalan, Gallego are also spoken in that country, which means Spanish may not be a person’s first language, especially with older people. Country of origin is not a good determinant of what language is spoken by the Limited English Proficient (LEP) audience. There are many languages spoken in Latin American countries: Quechua, Mixteco, Zapoteco, Guarani, are only a sample.

2- What will you be talking about?
A simple insurance appraisal can turn into a nightmare if not enough details are known. A simple car damage claim can change from a mundane automobile insurance case into a complex maritime insurance claim if the car was inside a container aboard a ship. In the case of conferences, interpreters start to work weeks before the event with vocabulary research, glossary development, studying the materials they receive, or researching the client when no material is made available. If it is a legal case, an informed interpreter will help speed up processes, therefore interpreters should be given the case style and other pertinent information in advance.

Is confidentiality an issue? That is what non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are there for. Plus, interpreters are bound by one or more codes of ethics and their professional reputation is their greatest asset.

3- What is the work environment like?
Interpreters can find themselves at the Bellagio Las Vegas one day, and be at a waste treatment plant the next.

Why is it important to know the type of environment we will be working in? Clothing selection is one reason, hazardous pay is another, so is planning in advance where to position oneself in relation to the speaker and her audience, and a few more come to mind.

There is also remote interpreting, which can take place in one’s home or in a studio, or at a convention center. The challenges are different (stress, physical strain, technology management, etc.).

It is important to be very clear when
determining the language of an assignment.

4- How much does it cost to hire a professional interpreter?
Much less than the losses that may result when working with an untrained individual.

There are different reasons for hiring an interpreter and one common thread: bridging the language gap, so information can be communicated and have a better chance of being understood. Period.

In court and quasi-legal settings, keeping the record clear and accurate is easily achieved through the use of trained interpreters. It is important to note that:

a) certification is not available for all languages.

b) state certification is available in a variety of languages, whereas federal certification is only available in Spanish.

c) language certification offerings vary from state to state.

d) states have tools and rules in place for accommodating the use of non-certified interpreters, check with your state court.

In business settings – meetings, conventions, or conferences – Return On Investment (ROI) is the ultimate goal. Trained interpreters know industry jargon, the correct terminology, and prepare themselves to convey the message they are tasked with at the same level as the speakers whose voices they represent.

In medical interpreting, we are inspired by the slogan of the International Medical Interpreters Association (IMIA), which states Medical Interpreters Saves Lives in Many Languages™. To ensure that is the case, the US has two entities offering national medical interpreter certification in a total of seven languages. The Commission for Certification of Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI) offers certification in Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish, and a language-neutral credential for all other languages. The National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters (The National Board) offers certification in Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

A simple car damage claim can change from a mundane
automobile insurance case into a complex maritime
insurance claim if the car was inside a container aboard a ship.

5- How are interpreters paid?
There is no unified, across-the-board fee or standard. Fees vary per state, market, language, time, and working conditions.

Professionals in some states will charge by the full-day, while others accommodate half-day fees; for certain situations, a per-hour fee (with or without a minimum) will apply. And for those situations when the work goes just a tad beyond the payment unit, it is wise to make arrangements ahead of time.

Those are starting points for a fruitful dialogue. When discussing a project with a prospective client, please take into consideration that, in most circumstances, they are not familiar with your work. Ask questions. Provide answers. Educate. Negotiate. Get hired!